Step 1

Learn how to breathe with Aum and Hum

In ancient times, seekers have reached enlightenment and tapped into the sound of the universe. Of these sacred sounds, the most renowned ones are 'Om(aum)-Ma-Ni-Bat-Meh-Hum'. In Jeung San Do meditation, Breathing with the Aum and Hum sound is the foundation of our practice. Let's learn how to meditate properly using the seed sound of the universe [Aum(Om)], and the fruition sound of the universe.

Step 2

Receiving the Strings of Light

Through a ceremony, you'll receive the String of Light from Sangjenim and a string of light from the Holy Spirit of the Great Emptiness. These will transform and turn into beautiful bracelets of light which will be worn on your wrists. You'll make a copy and have one of each string on each of your wrists. When you practice meditation, you can release and extend these strings indefinitely and form a rod of light, and many other tools made of light, to clear out blockages in your meridians, and heal different parts of the body.

Step 3

Radiant Flower of Immortality

Radiant flower of Immortality is the final form of the flowers that are bestowed upon us from Sacred Grand Mother Mago through a ceremony. Grand Mother Mago along with Sacred Mother Gunghee and Sacred Mother Sohee gifts us the 3 flowers, which we then transform into one Radiant Flower of Immortality. We store the flower in our upper danjeon and use it to duplicate and plant it in our body. We can also gift it to heal others, particularly for those who are in pain.

Why Jeung San Do Meditation

Restoring the light to prepare for the future

According to ancient records of Hwandan Gogi, there was a point in history where everybody in the world called themselves ‘the light of Heaven(hwan). We all lived in peacefulness and harmony, practicing meditation and prayer day and night. But over time, due to the misguidance of mainstream teachings and imbalance in our natural environment, we have lost the ways of light. Jeung San Do meditation will help humanity restore this light.

Teachings of Jeung San Do will lead us into a brighter future that will help humanity to overcome the coming times of great transformation.

Who we are

Seekers, pioneers, practitioners of ancient teachings

We, at Jeung San Do of America, follow the teaching of Jeung San Sangjenim and Great Mother Taemo Gosubunim, the Parents of the universe. As we practice ‘repayment of gratitude,”resolving the bitterness and grief,’ and ‘mutual life betterment’ in our everyday lives, we aim to spread the messages of Cosmic Autumn Gaebyeok and Won-shi-ban-bon(Returning to the origin) to deliver humanity into the 50,000 years’ Paradise of Immortality by overcoming the 3 years of Gaebyeok when heaven, earth, and humanity will be reborn.

Jeung San Do's teaching will provide answers to your life-long questions. Click the icons below for more detail.

Meditation Experience

Cliff Pauling

Carol Ann Daniel

New York, NY

Burning sensation all along my spine and on the top of my head

It started with a burning sensation all along my spine and on the top of my head. Since I had never chanted before I had no idea what I was feeling. I began to shed my outermost layer of clothing in an effort to cool down. This, of course, did not help. At one point, the heat in the room became too intense that I quickly opened my eyes to see what was going on…

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Norma Luz Diaz

New York, NY

I felt an enormous energy penetrating my feet and my head

The following are stories of marvelous experiences that practitioners from Jeung San Do Dojangs around the country have had during their Taeeulju Mantra and dynamic meditations. After my serious car accident, one day I became very angry and said, “Enough already, I’m not going to take any pain killers today.” That day, with much pain in my body…

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Rhonda Lee Jessum

Los Angeles, CA

I sometimes see rays of light and experience an emotional release of joy

Before I began Taeeulju Mantra meditation, I had a begin breast tumor about one inch in diameter. After three days of chanting and receiving Taeeulju Mantra Healing, my tumor had completely disappeared. It felt as if my energy was being purified and transformed. I felt a release of negative energies and an opening feeling inside my heart…

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