A New Dawn for the World

A New Dawn for the World

In the Dojeon, Sangjenim, and Taemonim reveal in rich detail a magnificent new beginning for humanity in the Later Heaven, led by twelve thousand enlightened ones. At that time to come, the world will achieve harmony and oneness. Everyone will transform physically and spiritually, becoming radiant beings.

Confucius led seventy-two of his three thousand disciples to enlightenment, and Shakyamuni led five hundred to enlightenment. I, however, will bestow enlightenment of varying degrees upon twelve thousand and through them grant benevolence upon all people. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 8:83)

The trial of aging, illness, death, and burial will be defeated, and all will enjoy glory and bliss through ageless longevity. Your body will be transfigured, your physique becoming taller and more robust, and you will be statuesque and splendid. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 7:4)

In the Later Heaven, all nations will live in harmony and peace, and their people will be free of bitterness, grief, sanggeuk, violence, greed, lust, anger, and all other afflictions that plague the mind. People’s voices and smiling faces will overflow with warmth and vitality. All movements and stillness, words and silence, will harmonize with dao and virtue. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 7:5)

The Later Heaven will be a world in which humans and spirits become one. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 2:15)