Sangjenim: The Father

Sangjenim: The Father

As described in the Dojeon, Sangjenim—God the Ruler of the Universe—came to earth after an assembly of divine sages, buddhas, and bodhisattvas appeared before him in heaven and entreated him to save humanity and spirits. Heaven and earth, spirits and humanity had fallen into a malaise from which they could find no deliverance, and the epochal transition from the Early Heaven to the Later Heaven was approaching. In answer to this assembly’s pleas, Sangjenim resolved to personally incarnate into this world.

In answer to the earnest pleas and prayers of all the divine sages, buddhas, and bodhisattvas in heaven, Sangjenim incarnated into the Eastern land, where a new era was to dawn, to deliver humans and spirits, who have been trapped in torment, by bringing to pass a new heaven and earth. (Dojeon 1:10)

In 1871, Sangjenim incarnated into the Eastern land of Korea as Gahng Jeung-san. After attaining ultimate enlightenment in his human form and thus reassuming his supreme authority over the three realms (heaven, earth, and humanity), he conducted a series of mysterious works—called the ‘Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth’—to resolve the immense reservoir of bitterness and grief generated by humanity’s experiences under the Early Heaven’s order of sanggeuk (‘conflict and domination’). He also provided a pathway for humanity to traverse the Autumn Gaebyeok and enter the Later Heaven, most notably by gifting humanity with uitong (‘salvation and unification through healing’) and the Taeeulju Mantra.

Through me, everything will begin anew. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 2:9)

In 1909, having completed his work on earth, Sangjenim shed his human body and returned to his heavenly throne.