The Great Change of Gaebyeok

The Great Change of Gaebyeok

The approaching time of Gaebyeok is when the universe and humanity will be reborn. Gaebyeok is the message of hope that humanity will encounter a new world. Gaebyeok is not the end, it is merely a message of hopeful new beginnings.

However, this period of rebirth will also be a period of great upheaval. Although Gaebyeok is not the end, the transition to the time of Autumn is a period of great disaster and disease. The future does not come about through the advancement of new technology alone. All futurists claim the same thing. The disruption of modern civilization awaits us.

How to Overcome Gaebyeok

In order to open up the Cosmic Autumn to civilization, a new culture of spirituality must come forth to awaken all of humanity fundamentally. To accomplish this enlightenment, the spiritual culture of the Taeeulju Mantra was bestowed upon humanity by the Heavenly Father. At this time of crisis, the thing that will prevent us from this mystery disease of cosmic autumn frost is the Taeeulju Mantra. Sangjenim said, “I affixed all energy of medicine into Taeeulju Mantra.” So the Taeeulju Mantra is the medicine of life that will help us awaken at this time of change from Cosmic Summer to Cosmic Autumn.

The Taeeulju Mantra is the means of surviving all catastrophic changes of Gaebyeok. At this time, our survival is dependent upon us returning to our roots. Just as in Autumn, the plants and trees all return their energy to their roots. So also, in this time all humans must learn to receive the energy of our roots in order to survive. By becoming one with our ancestors, we can receive the energy of Autumn’s fruition. We must live with appreciation and gratitude for our roots of life: Heaven, Earth and our ancestors. The Taeeulju Mantra helps us discover our roots and resolve the bitterness and grief of our ancestors.

The Taeeulju Mantra brings serenity to the mind, the heavenly soul, and the earthly soul, allowing communication with the holy spirit realm. It is the mantra that will save the world’s people. We must also abandon the ways of mutual conflict, such as jealousy and slander. Instead, we must strive to make others better and help the needy and the suffering. A human being must possess the compassionate mind of mutual life-giving. The great Dao of Sangjenim’s boundlessness will become the way of life for all humanity in the future.

Only one who has a 50,000 year fortune may chant the Taeeulju Mantra. At the same time, all human beings can be saved by the Taeeulju Mantra. In fact, since Taeeulju is the fountain of life from Mother the Heaven, no one can survive without the Taeeulju Mantra. The energy of all medicine is also in Taeeulju. The Taeeulju Mantra overcomes all hindrances. It vanquishes all illnesses. It fulfills all wishes. It spreads the Dao of Sangjenim throughout the world. It delivers all humanity. It actualizes all that is willed. It is boundless and eternal. The Taeeulju Mantra is the wish-fulfilling mantra.