The Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

The Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth

In order to save humanity and the spirits, Sangjenim undertook the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth for nine years, beginning in 1901. His work was of cosmic proportions, conducted in the form of rituals, proclamations, writings, and conversations with the participation of humans and spirits. The ultimate purpose of the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth is to correct the order of the universe and human history, give humanity the means for safe passage through the cataclysmic time of gaebyeok, and enable us to reach the coming world of harmony and immortality.

All the world now nears the great epoch of gaebyeok. I will disassemble and reconstruct the heaven and earth of the Early Heaven’s final era, which abounds with turmoil, to bring forth a new world and deliver humans and spirits from their sea of turmoil into peace and prosperity. Such is the gaebyeok of heaven and earth. It is neither merely a continuation of what has been nor is it bound to the tides of the world, for it is the work which I am the first and only to undertake. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 2:38)

Since the grand tides of heaven and earth dictate that the destiny of the Early Heaven will give way to the onrushing destiny of the Later Heaven, I will bring forth a new heaven and remake humanity to raise up the Paradise of Immortality. It is now the age for a new order to arise. The autumn destiny of heaven and earth has now arrived, so I will rebuild the gate of life and return the workings of heaven and earth to their origin to rouse new vitality in all directions—such is the Work of Renewing Heaven and Earth. (Sangjenim, Dojeon 3:10)